Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Program of traversing a binary tree in inorder, preorder and postorder in C++ Programming

struct btree
    struct btree *left;
    struct btree *right;
    int no;
void postorder(struct btree *trav);
void inorder(struct btree *trav);
void preorder(struct btree *trav);
struct btree * create(struct btree *trav);
    struct btree *root=NULL;
    char c;
        cout<<"Do you want to continue : ";
        if(c=='n' ||c=='N')
    cout<"Inoder is    : "
;inorder(root); cout<"Preorder is : ";preorder(root); cout<"Postorder is : ";postorder(root); getch(); } struct btree * create(struct btree *trav) { if(trav==NULL) { trav=new btree; trav->right=NULL; trav->left=NULL; cout<<"Enter the no : "; cin>>trav->no; return(trav); } char choice; cout<<"Enter the left or right child : "; cin>>choice; if(choice == 'r' || choice == 'R') { trav->right=create(trav->right); } if(choice=='l' || choice=='L') { trav->left=create(trav->left); } return(trav); } void inorder(struct btree *trav) { if(trav==NULL) return ; inorder(trav->left); cout<<" "<no; inorder(trav->right); } void preorder(struct btree *trav) { if(trav==NULL) return; cout<<" "<no; preorder(trav->left); preorder(trav->right); } void postorder(struct btree *trav) { if(trav==NULL) return; postorder(trav->left); postorder(trav->right); cout<<" "<no; }

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